Kristen Connolly looks incredible without makeup. Below, the model is pictured with little to no makeup on her face.
Kristen is relatively unknown actress. She appeared in 2003 on Mona Lisa Smile as a young art history student but after that there was several years of break before next role. She caught attention of many people in the horror comedy Cabin in the Woods as Dana Polk, showing her slender curves on the beginning of the movie while wearing cotton panties. But her by far most famous role is Christina Gallagher on House of Cards. In 2014, Connolly will appear in the film Worst Friends.
No Makeup Pictures
Kristen Connolly is looking admirable when she is makeup-free. Check out her natural beauty and enchanting skin.

What is makeup? Well it includes products such as: cosmetics, foundation, powder, rouge and blusher. Other examples are: concealer, lipstick and mascara.
Inspirational Quotes by Kristen Connolly
Everyone has dated or been with a person who is obsessed with their work, and it’s immensely frustrating.
Kristen Connolly
I went to Yale’s drama school for theater, so we did tons of Shakespeare; then, I got out of school and said, ‘OK, it will be Shakespeare,’ and it was like, ‘Or, it will be commercials and soaps.’
Kristen Connolly
A lot of auditions are not fun; they’re just a necessary evil, and, if you’re lucky, you have a few moments that are fun.
Kristen Connolly
Hair and make-up people don’t get enough credit for what they do. It’s not just making people look good. It’s really creating the character.
Kristen Connolly